
Alpha ZIP is
free to try!

Why not download your trial version now and see for yourself how powerful and easy to use this software is.

Download our compression tool
  ZIP files finally made easy.

The Alpha ZIP advantage

With ZIP, RAR, CAB and other compressed formats, you can download and send files, documents and images more quickly and easily. The problem is that they’re also confusing to work with, and many people find zipping and unzipping the files unnecessarily complicated. But it no longer has to be that way.

Alpha ZIP is the very latest in ZIP file technology, and combines an unprecedented ease of use, integration with Windows and comprehensive new features together into one powerful and intuitive application that’s very easy to work with.

Whether you want to open ZIP, RAR, or CAB files, extract compressed folders or zip up your own data, this intuitive program has exactly what you're looking for. We don’t believe you'll find any other tool anywhere near as easy to use. So what are you waiting for? Give our 20 day trial version a whirl, and see just how easy working with ZIP files can be!

Alpha ZIP is also completely safe to download!
Alpha ZIP does not contain any viruses, ads or adware, and it won’t break anything in your computer either. This is high quality software that has been thoroughly and extensively tested. Now compatible with Windows Vista!

Download our compression tool
Open ZIP, RAR, CAB, TAR and other files with Alpha ZIP!

More info about our compression tool          Buy our compression tool
Alpha ZIP lets you do more in less time!

This compression tool has a unique Windows integration that lets you do more in less time!
Working with archives has never been easier! All archive operations are only one right-click away.

You don't need any additional software just to open/create a certain type of archive! Alpha ZIP offers support for most popular archive formats, including RAR, CAB, TAR, JAR, LZH and GZIP. NEW! Version 1.3 supports 7-Zip files!

Alpha ZIP - the easy file compression tool.
  Open ZIP files, RAR files, CAB files and more with Alpha ZIP! Don't pay extra for advanced features!

With this compression tool, there is no need to pay extra for advanced features like Self Extracting Archives or Compress and Email!
Alpha ZIP found a way for you to work like experts with NO extra costs and NO extra time spent on learning how to use these advanced features.

More info about our compression tool          Download our compression tool          Buy our compression tool

Special Offer for our site Visitors!

The ultimate utility pack containing
Alpha ZIP and Titan Backup is finally here!
Take advantage of the special offer, for one low price of $49.95 - SAVE $20 TODAY!

More info about this special offer

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